Unsere Statements
Stephan Scheel
Magstadt stands up – for our democracy
This is necessary because we have noticed for some time now that our society is changing alarmingly and is becoming increasingly polarized.
Public discussions and debates are becoming increasingly disrespectful, limitless and radical.
At all levels of politics, in the media-wide debates about higher wages and better working conditions, in social media and, last but not least, on the streets.
We are losing respect for one another and for the democratic rules that we have given ourselves for our freedom and prosperity.
For a long time now it has only been about personal success.
Fewer and fewer people are prepared to take responsibility for our common good and our successful coexistence. As chairman of the Magstadt sports club, I have been observing this for years.
All this makes us feel uncertain and worried.
We are here to clearly declare our commitment to our free and democratic basic order and thereby distance ourselves from all others who want to harm democracy.
But we are also here because we have to acknowledge that our complacency and declining interest in successful social coexistence have brought us into this situation.
Something urgently needs to change.
Our freedom and prosperity do not come automatically. Both require more personal commitment from all of us.
Democracy only works if we respect the basic rules of our constitution.
One rule is: “Everyone has the right to free development of his personality, as long as he does not restrict the personality of others.”
We have long since stopped paying attention to the second part of the sentence.
These are the real causes of our current situation.
It is in our own hands to preserve our democracy in the future. Each in his or her own place.
We are taking the first step today.
Let us go through the next steps together. In an alliance for democracy. Here in Magstadt. Because we are the majority. And we say how we want to live. Today and in the future.
Today we have stood up. But we must also remain standing
Magstadt, February 4, 2024